Friday, June 23, 2006

Where I'm From

I am from red clay and ocean, from the whistle of a pressure cooker, Mason jars and snap beans, Zapf dolls and homemade playdough.

I am from a ranch house surrounded by corn and sunflowers, a white parsonage and a driveway lined with pecan trees, a home colored by azaleas and the smell of the ocean.

I am from cattails and magnolia trees, weeping willows and Southern pines.

I am from flannel gowns and heaters, from hard-headedness, from Chris and Teresa, Rosie, Jimmy, Blaine and Ruth.

I am from men of faith and the women who stand beside them, from artists and heroes, and the need to be heard.

I am from "Do your best." and "She's all knees and elbows."

I am from brick churches and tall steeples, favorite hymns and amens, the heat of vacation bible school, the family of a youth group, homecoming and Good Friday and the sounds of praise lifted from joyous hearts. From the solidarity found over Sunday lunch in a Pastor's home and the strength that family provides when the church forgets God and takes it all forgranted.

I am from Carolina, small towns and train tracks, wooden farmhouses and cotton dresses and tobacco.

From a cinderblock apartment and food stamps, families of twelve, the beauty from an artist's brush, a wedding band worn for 59 years.

I am from truth and honesty, hard work, from homemade and love. From a life so blessed that I can hardly contain my gratefulness, loved by those of whom I can say "My loss is heaven's gain."


Christie said...

Beautiful, beautiful. You should send that to your mom. She'd love it. So good. The visuals are perfect. I can just see it all.

sobeit said...

Hey there. I love what your wrote, and felt as though I could relate parts of it. It is absolutely inspirational.
Take care & God Bless!

Kelli (my new blog)