Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh, I forgot the best part...

So, I forgot to mention that while we were playing Mancala, Crystal and I, on the porch last night, we let the cats out of the house (they are indoor pets) to roam around the porch. The rain kept them pretty much contained to where it is dry, until Hobbes figured out that if she stayed along side the edge of the duplex she would stay out of the wet stuff falling from the sky (she's the orange tabby, the mischievious one). So off she went, weaving through the porch rail posts, darting along the brick wall towards the side of the duplex that is not ours. I fetched her on her first attempt, running through the sprinkling rain holding up the legs of my pajama pants to keep them dry, pinning the cat to the grass, then picking her up and depositing her back on the porch. The second attempt it was Crystal's turn, but as I watched her head for Hobbes, I saw Hobbes take a familiar squat-like stance. It wasn't until Crystal began to lift the cat that I realized what was going on. Leaning over the porch rail, in the most Southern accent imaginable (and excuse my crudeness) I began yelling "She's peeing! She's peeing!" several times over, but only once Crystal got her off the ground and towards her body and something warm landed on her foot did she process what I was saying. She cried "She's peeing!" in an even stronger accent than mine, and dropped the cat, who at this point was quite startled. I laughed so hard I cried, clinging onto the rail in order to remain in an upright position. Crystal doubled over and both of us had to catch our breath before I could explain that the cat couldn't help it, she was in the middle of the action when Crystal lifted her. Crystal had originally thought that she had startled Hobbes somehow and the cat had lost control. Regardless, the cats went inside after that. And Crystal changed her dress. And the neighbors are filing to have us committed as the two crazy cat ladies.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

That's hilarious! I could just picture the poor cat being hoisted mid-stream!