Friday, September 09, 2005

Listen- Hear it? Nothing.

I'm tired this morning. I got plenty of sleep, this with the intention of getting up and to work earlier because I am going out of town (again!) today. I did get up earlier, but not quite early enough and because we don't paid for clocking in 15 minutes before our start time (it either must be earlier or later) and since I didn't make it out of the house to get to work by 7:30, I showed up at 8 and ate breakfast at home, an unusual occurrence as of late. 8 AM is earlier than I have been getting here, so mission accomplished- kinda- and now if I can only do the twenty million errands I need to do in 30 minutes, I can leave at 5. Do I see that happening? Only if my WonderWoman skills kick in in the next few hours. Here's hoping.

It's nice here in the mornings. Quieter, at least in the cube area. The door to the lab is behind my cube, so I am accustomed to a constant in/out squeak, plus the knowledge that everyone looks to see what I'm up to. Must Look Busy. Also, the supervisor over my supervisor sits in an office across from me, and it is too early for him to be yelling in the phone yet, on speakerphone, with the door open. He actually doesn't yell so much as just talks loud in combination with a brusque manner of speaking, but that rationale doesn't matter so much when you're trying to THINK. So, I'm forming a habit of coming in and breathing for a minute, gauging the day, drinking my coffee, before the hustle and bustle picks up, and that gives everyone in the lab time to do their mobile phase prep craziness before I go in there and try to get some work done.

I was just informed though, that there are things waiting for me- fun things, like big napkins we use as much as air and 10 ml syringes everyone is freaking out about, so I am off with my handy boxcutter.

Later gator.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Thank goodness you're back. I miss Felicity musings. Many returns on the day.