Friday, August 26, 2005


So, its definitely the low point of the afternoon. You know, that point in the day where the coffee completely wears off and lunch sets in and all the breaks are used up and you start counting down the seconds until you go home? Yeeeaaah. That time. So I'm hiding in cubeyland, rambling on the internet for a while, until I actually have to finish those things which I'm supposed to accomplish today.

Thankfully, it's Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday, which means yay! And on top of that, tonight is particularly special because I get to be cool Aunt Felicity and keep my best friend's two beautiful boys while she and the hubby get some alone time before he spends the rest of the weekend being a rock star. By default, I also get to initiate their new guestroom and the fun striped sheets and spend the morning with the rock I call my bestest friend, Dawn.

This being a first post, I should probably be helpful and introduce myself and these things and people of which I speak, but...I'm not going to right now. But soon, I promise. Pinkie-swear. I really do have some things I have to finish up here. Isn't that a downer?

Peace out playas.

1 comment:

Christie said...

You so rock. Like Starbucks and Julia Roberts movies and Barnes and Nobles and brownies and all the things I love all mixed up into one...:) Yay.